The MIT Flex Project and the DARPA PCES Program

Some of our Flex research is funded under the DARPA Program Composition for Embedded Systems (PCES) program , in the DARPA Information Technology Office (ITO) .

Much of the technology is being made available in our Flex Compiler System, with source code and documentation currently available for download.

Role Analysis and Verification

The goal of the role analysis and verification research is to develop a verified formalism for describing the changing roles that objects play during the course of the computation. We have identified several different role classification principles: One can view roles as an extension of the type system in which the type of an object changes as it participates in the computation. In a standard type system, an object's type is tied to its class, which is the same for the entire lifetime of the object. Roles enable a more precise concept of type that more closely reflects the application semantics. Our basic approach is to acquire role information, from the programmer, from a dynamic analysis, or from a combination of these sources, and automatically verify the information. We plan to use the information for a variety of purposes:

Real-Time Java

Java is a safe, widely used programming language. The goal of the Real-Time Specification for Java is to adjust Java for use in real-time systems, providing predictable memory management and real-time scheduling support. We are developing an implementation of Real-Time Java, based on the following principles:


Here are several presentations and quad charts we have prepared as part of our participation in the PCES program.